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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fishing more difficult as weather warms

The stretch of warm weather has affected all of us in some way. One of the effects of the prolonged spells of hot weather is that the fishing has been much tougher. Anglers have still been successful, but it has usually taken some adjustment to catch fish under these conditions.

As water temperatures warm, different species of fish will move seeking cooler water temperatures at whatever the comfort level is for that particular species. Oxygen supply is also a factor since the warmer water typically holds less oxygen that fish need.

People used to believe that northern pike lost their teeth in summer since they were difficult to catch. Now we know that this is not true. The pike just move to different locations such as much deeper and colder water where there may be openings in the weed beds for them to ambush baitfish.

In streams the trout will seek cover, cool water and oxygen. This typically will be deep riffles or rapids or maybe a deep, shaded pool with a riffle at the head. These riffles provide aeration and trout typically will be in or just below the oxygenated water.

Something we should be aware of is the effect of stress on fish in warm water. A trout that has fought for a long time in warm water often will not survive, no matter how carefully you handle and release it. At the very least, put away those darn ultra light rods – or better yet give them to some kids.

Many trout anglers avoid fishing and stressing out trout in small or medium streams. Instead they concentrate on larger waters like West Canada Creek which may be cooler and more oxygenated. Many fishermen do not bother to fish for native trout under these conditions, but concentrate on the waters where much of the fishing is put and take anyway.

Bass will also seek cooler water. For smallmouth bass this usually means deep water along some rocky structure where they move up in evening to feed. Deep water tactics such as live bait, jigs or jigging spoons are usually best.

Largemouth bass will move deeper for cooler water, although they tolerate warmer water than smallmouths. They will usually seek shade from the bright sun by holding deep in cover such as dense weeds during the daylight. Plastic worms rigged weedless, sinking worms or drop shot rigs with Berkley “Gulp” minnows may be your best bet. Top water lures in the evening are effective and fun.

Even though bass are hearty fish that are used to warmer waters, their chances for survival are greatly diminished when kept out of water for long in this warm weather. Fight the fish quickly, and if at all possible unhook it while it is still in the water. Using circle hooks which tend to hook a fish in the edge of the lip makes it easier to quickly release a bass.

Of course anglers are still taking some nice salmon, steelhead and brown trout on Lake Ontario. But it is easy for salmon and trout to move a bit deeper or further from shore and be in colder water. These pockets of comfort zone change quickly so remember that these fish are usually on the move. Check fishing reports on or for the latest depths, lures, etc.
For increased fishing action try fishing during periods of low light or even at night. Trout fishing at dawn or twilight is your best bet. Fishing for big brown trout at night can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Trout fishing on a rainy day is usually good.

Night fishing for bass is great since the action is often at its best and you can take them using surface or shallow water lures and tactics. Instead of battling weeds, try fishing after dark with poppers, chuggers and other top-water lures. Know your waters and try fishing over relatively shallow weed beds.

The fish usually are not where you found them in May and regardless they are wary or lethargic. But adjust your tactics and you can still find fun and action. It sure beats the alternative of watching “reality shows” on TV.


YOUTH GOOSE HUNT: The Oneida County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and DEC Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) are teaming up to offer a special goose hunt for youth again this year to introduce youngsters who may not otherwise have the opportunity for goose hunting.

Dates are September 22 and 23, 2012. September 22 will be the meeting with parents, ECOs, Hunter Mentors, target practice and other preparation for the next day hunt. This day starts at 9 AM until done. The actual hunt will take place on September 23. Youngsters will have the opportunity to learn the skills necessary for goose hunting and then actually experience it with the guidance of an ECO or Hunter Mentor in the field.

The program is open to youth age 12–17. All must have a small game license and HIP number, and youth ages 16-17 will need a federal wildfowl stamp. Interested participants should contact Larry Chandler at 315-338-3445, ECO Steve Lakeman 315-734-0648 or ECO Ric Grisolini 315-240-6966 for an application for this program. Space in the program is limited so be sure to register early.

HUNTER SAFETY CLASS – VNSP: There will be a hunter safety class at Vernon National Shooting Preserve, 3291 Burns Rd., Vernon Center. Classes will be August 17 from 6:30–9:30 p.m. and August 18 from 9 a.m. until finish. You must pre-register at VNSP on August 6 between 6 and 7:30 p.m.

NEW STATE RECORD BROOK TROUT: For the seventh time in eight years, the record for catching the largest brook trout in New York state has been broken. William Altman caught a 5 lb., 14 oz. brook trout from the West Canada Wilderness Area in Hamilton County on May 5. This surpasses the previous record by six ounces.

The record breaking fish was stocked as a fingerling by DEC’s Rome Fish Hatchery and is considered a Temiscamie hybrid, a cross between a domestic brook trout and a wild Temiscamie (Canadian-strain) brook trout. These hybrids are stocked because they have a better survival rate than other strains of brook trout in some of the more acidic waters of the Adirondacks.
A photograph of Mr. Altman and his catch can be found on the DEC website at: DEC verifies potential brook trout state records by ensuring the fish is not caught from brood stock, which is large stocked fish, or splake waters, which are ineligible.

MEET THE CANDIDATES: The Oneida County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs will host a Meet the Candidates Night on August 5 at 7 p.m. It will be held at the Cassetty Hollow Rod & Gun Club in Oriskany Falls. The majority of local candidates for various levels of offices will attend. The public is invited to attend and ask questions.

SHERRILL ARCHERS BBQ: The Sherrill Field Archers will hold a chicken barbeque on August 5 at noon. It will be held in Sherrill at the intersection of Route 5 and Sherrill Road across from Emilio’s Deli. This will be a fundraiser to help raise money for new equipment at their range. The public is also encouraged to find out more about the organization and new members are always encouraged.


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